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Meet the Therapists at The Natural Path Clinic in Edmonton and St. Paul

The therapists at The Natural Path Clinic work hard to help you reach your optimal level of health. Our staff has a wide range of knowledge and experience to address your unique needs.

The Natural Path Clinic is host to 8 Natural Heath Practitioners. We are Indigenous Healers, Chiropractors, Psychologists, Clinical Hypnotists, Nutritionists, Homeopaths, Holistic Health Therapists, Massage Therapists and Acupuncture Therapists, and Medical Esthetician and Spa Therapists all committed to your health and wellness.

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Our Team

Dr. Anne Mageau: Owner/Clinical Director: Natural Health Practitioner, Doctorate Natural Medicine, Doctorate Indigenous Peoples Knowledge, Registered Massage Therapist, Nutritional Consultant and Orthomolecular Medicine Health Practitioner

Edmonton Clinic: 

Anne Mageau: NMDoc, IpkDoc, RMT, RNCP

Nadia Houle: Registered Acupuncturist and Birth Doula

Barbara Sorenson: Holistic Health Practitioner, Spiritual Intuitive

Lynn McRitchie:

Adana Pinder:  Office Reception

St. Paul Clinic: 
Anne Mageau: NMDoc, IpkDoc, RMT, RNCP

Jodie Ward: CMT, Reiki Master

Deb Jackson: MA, Registered Psychologist

Karen Telford: SW, RMT

Therese Petrie: Office Manager 

Suzanne Stybel:  Office Reception


"Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it."


- Tori Amos


"Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world.”



– Robert McKee

Natural Medicine

"The treatments themselves do not 'cure' the condition, they simply restore the body's self-healing ability."



— Leon Chaitow


"Health is not valued till sickness comes."



-Thomas Fuller

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