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The Team of The Natural Path Clinic
Wants to Get You Well 

Our Vision

The Natural Path Clinic shares the gifts of wellness with a loving community in a spirit of holistic healing. 

Our Mission

The Natural Path Clinic serves the community, providing holistic teaching and healing experiences to achieve balance in spirit, heart, mind and body, while honoring and respecting the individual and environment.

Our Philosophy

The human spirit, heart, mind and body are aspects of a single self-healing organism with a natural impulse towards balance. In a loving environment, with life-supporting conditions, the spirit will naturally move towards understanding and fulfillment, the mind towards mental health, the body towards physical health, and the heart will move with love. We can assist the spirit, mind, heart, and body in reaching optimal levels of health throughout life’s journey.

Our Team

Dr. Anne Mageau: Owner/Clinical Director: Natural Health Practitioner, Doctorate Natural Medicine, Doctorate Indigenous Peoples Knowledge, Registered Massage Therapist, Nutritional Consultant and Orthomolecular Medicine Health Practitioner

Edmonton Clinic: 

Anne Mageau: NMDoc, IpkDoc, RMT, RNCP

Nadia Houle: Registered Acupuncturist and Birth Doula

Barbara Sorenson: Holistic Health Practitioner, Spiritual Intuitive

Lynn McRitchie: RMT

Adana Pinder:  Office Reception

St. Paul Clinic: 
Anne Mageau: NMDoc, IpkDoc, RMT, RNCP

Jodie Ward: CMT, Reiki Master, Assistant to Dr. Anne 

Deb Jackson: MA, Registered Psychologist

Karen Telford: SW, RMT

Therese Petrie: Office Manager 

Suzanne Stybel:  Office Reception

Hope Petrie: 
 Office Support
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